Customer Service

Customer Service Standard:

Betay Leather prioritizes customer needs, and our team is dedicated to delivering a responsive, helpful, and professional service consistently. With Betay Leather, we adhere to the following service standards.

General Service Standards:

If you call Betay Leather:

  1. Identify ourselves by name.
  2. Respond promptly to inquiries.
  3. Provide accurate and helpful information.
  4. If unable to address your query immediately, we will collect your contact details and strive to provide a response within two working days.

If you email Betay Leather:

  1. Respond to specific requests and acknowledge them within 7 days.
  2. Keep you informed about the progress of your inquiry and provide an estimated timeframe for a response if the matter is more complex.
  3. Include contact names and phone numbers in all correspondence.

Complaints: Betay Leather takes all complaints seriously, aiming to address them promptly and effectively. We treat all complaints confidentially and conduct appropriate investigations. All employees are familiar with the complaints procedure and can receive complaints, preferably in writing, but also verbally. Providing detailed information about the matter is encouraged for thorough follow-up.

Communication and Customer Feedback: We value your input on how we can enhance our practices and this Customer Service Policy at Betay Leather. If you have suggestions for improvement, please write to us or get in touch.